
Facebook Like

  • @gridgiant

Facebook Like

27 Jun 2011

Liked on Facebook?

So every site needs to have a Facebook like button, its an easy way to get your site organically into Facebook.

Giving site vistors an opportunity to Like you page is the easiest way to get your content into Facebook where it will be included in their stream. More importantly Facebook will the tell the users friends about the fact that vistor liked the site. Its organic social advertising at its best.

After adding Facebook Like buttons the service is free to use so the only cost is adding the Like button to your website.

Grid Giant implemented the Like Button for the Huddersfield based Inclusive Improv for use on their ICMC UnConf sub site as a viting system. You can see its implementation here.

Why not get in contact and let Grid Giant help you add a Facebook Like button to your website?