
Twitter Handling The Bad

  • @gridgiant

Twitter Handling The Bad

25 Jun 2011

The good and the bad

The last post talked about Twitter as a customer communication tool, especially about publicising positive outcomes, but what happens when things go bad?

It happens to every business sometime something goes wrong and with Twitter an aggrieved customer can make a lot of noise. Firstly the important thing to remember is that the conversation will be happening so its best to be involved. Often the most effective method is to identify the problem and then move the client on to a more private method of communication but let them know publicly that your going to do that an @ tweet is very effective at doing that.

@client sorry your having a problem with the product I'll give you a call.

That kind of customer handling is very effective not only does it start to solve the customers problem but it also lets future clients see how you handle problems, publicly and effectively.